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AMORNADI - open Studio


Our regular space, where you can explore your own creative expression.

Starting from January 2024 every 3rd Wednesday in the month.




Playfight Berlin
Playfight Potsdam


Three strict rules and personally set limits. Is it just about fighting or is something else happening? Is it about winning or losing or what's in between? Experience yourself in an intense contact with your counterpart.



Rage against a car


In Rage against a car you have the chance to let out all your "bad" feelings unfiltered. You are allowed to beat up a car without any consequences



Sexploration TurnedOn


Our selfexploration group takes place every 3rd thursday (working day) in the month form monthly on a thursday from 7pm to 8:30 pm.


Workshop Intimacy



Workshop on request



Intimacy – a big word, a word that contains (secret) wishes and needs. Everyone wants intimacy in life. But what does that acutally mean?




Does intimacy have the same meaning for everyone? Is intimacy only physical? Is intimacy only possible within a partnership? Or can intimacy be just a short fleeting moment? Why can intimacy feel threatening? And how can you improve intimacy in your life?




During this workshop weekend, get to know your form of intimacy anew, deepen it or improve it in your relationships.







We invite you to our creativ self experience group

No appointments at the moment.



Explore your sexual bodylandscape if you like. If you have other themes you would like to explore, feel free to do so.

