The Potsdam Bondage Jam takes place at JASA. It is for all who want to tie up together with others, to be tied up, to exchange about it or just to watch and to collect first experiences, you are warmly invited. Come as group, in pairs, or as alone. You might find partners to tie up, but there is no guarantee.

We welcome everyone, from the curious to professionals. Our bondage spaces are limited. With 25 registrations we close the pre-payment. You are still welcome to come by spontaneously. However, we can't guarantee that there will be space available. But you can still drop in and wait until one becomes available.


What awaits you?

We will open the doors at the specified time so that we can prepare everything. Let's chat a bit and get to know each other or start directly with tieing. After about 3 hours our event is over for the day and we will release you into the evening.


It is best to bring your own ropes (we can lend a few) and a blanket to put under our mats. Then we can save disinfection. What you need to bring are carabiners, bondage rings, bamboo and if you want to drink something else like tea or tap water.


If you have symptoms, it´s better to stay at home and cure yourself so as not to infect the others. Being sick, no matter what, is just lousy. If you have a cold behind you and still have annoying after symptoms, just see how you feel.


As a final piece of info:
The Jam is not a workshop. But if you're not experienced, it's a great way to get in touch with the scene, see what's out there and where you might be going. You can also find out where great workshops are.


We´re looking forward to see you!


25.08.2024     5pm - 8pm

08.09.2024     2pm - 5pm

05.10.2024     4pm - 7pm

09.11.2024     2pm - 7pm



JASA Potsdam

Konsumhof 2

14482 Potsdam



Decide what you can or want to give in the declared price range.

10-20€ per person


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